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16. Evidence based best practices to end homelessness.


Deut. 15 says that there should be no poor among the people of Israel if they follow the law. Acts 4 says that there was no poor among them, and the Early Church fulfilled the law. They did not maintain poverty but ended it among them.


1.     Homeless prevention—it is much less expensive to keep people in their homes rather than house  them after they are the streets.  (Lake Ave Church in Pasadena spent $200,000 of their general fund to keep people in their homes, other nonprofit also have homeless prevention programs, see: Door of Hope and Friends in Deed both in Pasadena)  What is the purpose of money? I Cor. 8-9 says that the reason for abundance is so we can bring equality. Proverbs 19:17 reads, “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.”


2.     Professional Street Outreach and Engagement). Jesus did not wait for his disciples to come to him. He went to the streets and called them by name.


  1. Coordinated Entry System (211). The Bible has many lists tracking genealogies and tribes. Track those experiencing homelessness so they can best be served. They can go from church to church and access many nonprofit services. It’s best to coordinate a plan together that will best serve each person.


  1.  Housing Navigation: (Placer County supports this)

  2. Rapid Rehousing:  (In Pasadena both Door of Hope—Chrisian, and Friends in Deed—Interfaith, have these programs in Pasadena as does Placer County)


  1. Housing First which consist of: 


a)      Housing is permanent (not time limited) for example a Section 8 or bricks and mortar affordable unit. If you are in a shelter or in transitional housing, you are still counted as homeless.  

b)      Supportive housing services are available immediately and long term to those moving into permanent supportive housing to promote the stability and wellbeing of those placed.

c)       Housing is not contingent on compliance with services, but their do need to keep standard lease agreements. Supportive services are provided to be sure they keep these agreements.   Housing Works in LA, has a model whereby they spend months building trust and relationship with the most likely to die on the street, similar to Mother Teresa, like Jesus with leaving the 99 to find that one.  




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